Red Peppermint: A Refreshing Break

Red Peppermint: A Refreshing Break
August 27, 2014 Visit Madison

Red-Peppermint-kids-150x150Looking for a wonderful place to take a break from the heat and cool down? How about a great venue to meet friends, relax after school, or just a place to go by yourself to get away? Well, John and Lori Heitz have created a wonderful spot downtown for just that with frozen yogurt. It is so nice to step into a business and be greeted by smiling faces and a welcoming invitation. The employees always ask if you have been to Red Peppermint before and are very glad to show you how the self serving machines work.

red-pepp-nate-150x150The toughest decision to make is what flavors do I try today? There are 7 machines and 3 flavors per machine. Ok, I am a little slow, however, little Nate Adams has no problem in deciding, he just gets frustrated when his grandfather, Opa, stops to talk and slows him down. And to make it more fun, John and Lori get new flavors all the time.

red-peppermint-yogurt-150x150Once you have decided on flavors, you take a bowl and fill to your desired amount and flavors. Oh, yes, then you get to decide on wonderful toppings, approximately 30 to choose from. Then after you add your toppings, you put your bowl on the scale to pay, and oh yes, be sure to use your Spot On card for future rewards. Don’t be like me and save them up too much (I think I have 70 spots). Dashawn has to show me how to use the rewards now. Now all you have to do is relax, sit at the tables, sit on the benches in the window, or sit outside to eat your frozen yogurt and most importantly….ENJOY!


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