


All voluntary participants of REVerie Roads and the Serpent of 62 hereby agree and release Visit Madison, Inc. and all parties working for Visit Madison, Inc. from any and all damages, liabilities, claims and demands that arise from riding/driving on the routes of REVerie Roads and/or the Serpent of 62. All parties should have a vehicle that is in proper working order and a valid operator’s/driver’s license. Insurance coverage is the responsibility of the driver of all motorcycles and/or vehicles. Participants are required to safely navigate public roadways and follow the laws of the state in which they are driving.

REVerie Roads and the Serpent of 62 are licensed trademarks of Visit Madison, Inc. Reproduction and duplication require written permission.

Reverie Roads & Serpent of 62 are the property of Visit Madison, Inc.
Site by McD

601 W. 1st Street
Madison, IN 47250
800-559-2956 | 812-265-2956

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