Posts tagged with ‘woods’

  • tribe_events

    Outdoor Women at Big Oaks

    Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge. Call 812-273-0783. This one-day event is set-up for outdoor learning  just for women, ages 12…

    by Visit Madison
  • Big Oaks NWR opens for 2013 public use

    It’s hard to believe that April is nearly over! Our spring season is in full gear here at the refuge,…

    by Visit Madison

    During the winter months, the refuge slows down. We are closed for public use from December to mid-April. However, that…

    by Visit Madison
  • Andrew Hoffman Intern at Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge to speak

    Andrew Hoffman, intern at Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge, will speak on Monday, February 4th, at the monthly meeting of…

    by Visit Madison
  • Christmas Bird Count

    Would you like to step away from the hectic pace that often accompanies this time of year? Did you know…

    by Visit Madison

    It’s not too late to enjoy the fall color here at Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge. We have a few…

    by Visit Madison
  • A Lovely Autumn Walk

    This is a great time of year for a hike. Madison has lots of challenging hiking trails, but if you’re…

    by Visit Madison
  • A Hike up the Cat Steps

    Last Wednesday, my 4-year-old daughter and I hiked up the “Cat Steps” to the state hospital. If you’re not familiar,…

    by Visit Madison
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