Posts tagged with ‘Indiana’

  • Madison in Bloom

    Think Spring and Think Madison, Indiana, which is always at its best during the Madison in Bloom Spring Garden Tour…

    by Visit Madison
  • Big Oaks NWR opens for 2013 public use

    It’s hard to believe that April is nearly over! Our spring season is in full gear here at the refuge,…

    by Visit Madison
  • Fourth Friday Events Return

    With spring comes the Fourth Friday Art Jam. It is a free “happening” on the sidewalks & in the shops…

    by Visit Madison
  • Be There or Be Mild!

    Things are growing at the 17th Annual Hot Luck and Fiery Foods Marketplace,  April 12, 13 & 14, at the…

    by Visit Madison
  • Kids on School Break?

    Are you trying to find fun things to keep the kids occupied during Spring Break?  The City of Madison, local…

    by Visit Madison
  • A Garden Affair: Container Gardening

    If you are ready to shake the winter blahs and get back to your garden, or if you just want…

    by Visit Madison

    During the winter months, the refuge slows down. We are closed for public use from December to mid-April. However, that…

    by Visit Madison
  • The Collection of Joeyg Art Sale

    Back in November I wrote an entry about the art collection of Joeyg. Now everyone has a great opportunity to…

    by Visit Madison
  • Celebrate Your Irish

    Madison celebrates its Irish roots with a downtown St. Paddy’s Party on March 15, 2013 from 5 to 9pm.  In…

    by Visit Madison
  • Storytime on Main Street

    Sometimes a nice bookstore corner on a winter morning is just the ticket. That opportunity exists for even the very…

    by Visit Madison