Our First Foray in the Very Merry MADISON Christmas Parade

Our First Foray in the Very Merry MADISON Christmas Parade
November 13, 2012 Visit Madison

This year, Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge will be participating in the Madison Christmas Parade. It’s our first time! Plans are in the works to put together a wildlife themed float. The star of our float will be Puddles the Blue Goose.  Puddles is the mascot for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Puddles is quite the traveler. When he makes his appearance here in Madison he will be “flying” in from the upper Midwest. In fact earlier this year Puddles won a marathon in the Twin Cities and even visited a national wildlife refuge in Hawaii!

As a part of Puddles appearance at the Very Merry MADISON Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 1, Big Oaks will be promoting the annual Christmas Bird Count, which takes place here at the refuge on Saturday, December 15th. I will be writing more details about the Christmas bird count later this month.

The Madison Christmas Parade is a tradition that helps usher in the holiday season and gives Santa a proper welcome. It can be cool and breezy on that day so be sure to dress for the weather. If you see Puddles, be sure to say “hello”! We look forward to seeing you downtown in a couple of weeks!


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