September 12, 2012 Visit Madison

We’ve been running a seasonal photo contest this year and just finished the summer edition.  As we move to the fall season, I thought I’d talk a little about the kinds of photos that we look for and how we use them.

I especially like to see people enjoying themselves in our area.  When we use this kind of photo in an ad or online, it can inspire other people to visit.  By seeing the photo, they know that they can have a good time, too.  It doesn’t have to be a big thing, just normal families and friends enjoying themselves in the Madison area.  It could be sharing a great meal at one of our restaurants, indulging in a shopping spree, enjoying the scenery or watching the river go by.

I’m always on a quest for a great shot of Main Street.  Because of the way the light shines there, it is difficult to photograph.  Sometimes it is better to shoot on a slightly overcast day.  The ideal shot would convey a vibrant, fun shopping district with Madison’s fabulous architecture as a backdrop. And the sidewalks would be filled with people.  Hint: Fourth Friday might be a good time to shoot.

Another nice shot might be around the fountain during Music in the Park or along the riverfront when it is filled with people.  Don’t forget recreation.  We love shots of bikers and hikers.  Of course, if you see an irresistible fall scenery shot, we’re interested in that, too.  But if you can combine that with people having fun, you just might have yourself a winner!

The Fall Photo Contest will start next week so check out  for complete rules and instructions.


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