October 17, 2012 Visit Madison

Rhonda Deeg

Madison was quite famous for its production of ale, beer and porter. It was the Madison water they say that made it taste so good. The water contained properties that when used in the beverage gave it the finest flavor of any product. The first brewery to be built west of the Alleghenies, the Jacob Salmon Brewery, was established on the eastern outskirts of Madison in 1823. Later on the same site, the Greiner Brewery*, better known as the Madison Brewery, was famous for its production of “Madison XXX Ale”. The beer was featured by bars throughout the country and as far south as New Orleans.

Original Madison Brewery Bottle

It is stated in the Daily Courier, November 11, 1851, “By sales to the river and interior distilleries, and by shipments, the business of this department was continuous and sufficiently ample.” In 1863, Peter Weber, a native of Alsace, France and brewer by trade, started a small ale company and operated it as Peter Weber’s Union Brewery. In addition to ale, common beer was made and lager was added in 1872.  Later the brewery expanded and operated as the Union Brewery at the northwest corner of Main Street and Vine.

Today the brewing tradition continues inside the Trolley Barn at the Mobrecki Brewery.  Brewmaster Scott Stoner offers a nice variety of craft beers ranging from IPA to Porter.  You can even enjoy a Pub Special along with your brew.

*The Greiner Brewery building is current being used by local artist Geoffery Crowe as a studio and art gallery


R.L. Deeg



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