
Help Us, Help You: Take Our Survey!

Help Us, Help You: Take Our Survey!
April 7, 2020 Visit Madison
We need your help and we want your thoughts. Calling all our Madison/Jefferson County locals, repeat visitors, community supporters and even those who’ve yet to make the trip to our beautiful rivertown and southeast Indiana region.
We’ve been planning some projects to tackle this year including updating our branding, and continuing with some priorities of our marketing efforts. If you have 5-10 minutes of quaran-time to spare, we’d love to ask you a few questions. Click below to get started on our survey.
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We’re here to say thank you: To show our gratitude, we’ll send you one of the first copies of our new Experience Madison, Indiana Guides. You’ll be prompted to provide a mailing address at the end of the survey should you wish to receive one.

While we’re all pretty uncertain about how COVID-19 will impact our community long-term, we couldn’t be more certain about one thing — Madison will get through this and come out better than ever. Survey entries are due April 30. Sending y’all a virtual hug!


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