
  • Why I Had to Order Pie

    I read it in Wikipedia, so it must be true: Sugar Cream Pie is Indiana’s official state pie. That’s the…

    by Visit Madison
  • Hummingbird Cake Plus a Humming Bird

    Wednesday afternoon my wife and I took the winding county roads out to Stream Cliff Herb Farm, where we had…

    by Visit Madison

    We’ve been running a seasonal photo contest this year and just finished the summer edition.  As we move to the…

    by Visit Madison
  • A Hike up the Cat Steps

    Last Wednesday, my 4-year-old daughter and I hiked up the “Cat Steps” to the state hospital. If you’re not familiar,…

    by Visit Madison
  • A Sweet Saturday in the Park

    It’s tempting to say that last Saturday’s event at the Clifty Falls State Park Nature Center was the “Bee’s knees.”…

    by Visit Madison
  • Doo Wop Café Radio Broadcasting from Madison

    Tomorrow is again the 4thFriday Art Jam in downtown Madison, featuring music and art in the streets, and after-hours shopping.…

    by Visit Madison
  • Gallery 115

    When I think of the arts in Madison, Eric Phagan always comes to mind.  With his outstanding work, long list…

    by Visit Madison
  • Window Shopping for History

    If you were window shopping along Madison’s Main Street, would you be interested to learn a bit about the history of…

    by Visit Madison
  • Eat More Watermelon!

    One of summer’s most prized treasures is now widely available in Madison for around 4 dollars. On almost every corner…

    by Visit Madison
  • Slice of Summer Sidewalk Sale

    To my mind, there are two kinds of shoppers: bargain shoppers and recreational shoppers.  Madison has promotions this week for…

    by Visit Madison
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