Tourism Partners

Tourism Partners

Tourism Partner Resources

Looking to submit an event? Click here.

Sign up to be a tourism partner! Click the links below to submit your listing. Reach out to us if you have any questions: 812-265-2956


Experience Madison Marketing - TIN Level (Free Basic Listing)

Experience Madison Marketing - TIN Level (Basic Online Listing)

The Experience Madison Marketing TIN level is FREE $0. This level includes a basic online listing with basic business information (no pictures) on This listing is subject to tourism-related businesses only and will be reviewed by the Visit Madison, Inc. team.

Step 1 of 2

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    These items may or may not be added to your basic listing.
    In some cases, we may use icons or text to indicate ADA compliance.
    In some cases, we may use icons or text to indicate VEGAN menu options.
    In some cases, we may use icons or text to indicate GLUTEN-FREE menu options.
  • Additional Opportunities

  • To be included, we require you to give anyone presenting this card a 10% discount. There is no other cost for you to be involved. Visit Madison will pay to have the shopping cards printed and participating businesses will be listed on the back. We put expiration dates on them for the timeframe the group will be in town so these do not linger for any other length of time than their visit AND we notify you when groups organized through VMI are in town and will have the cards. *** Disclaimer: If there is not enough participation, VMI may decide to forfeit this incentive to groups.***
    This could include Ribberfest, Chautauqua, or Nights but not limited to other opportunities.

2025 Experience Madison Marketing - BRONZE Level

Request a VMI Meeting

Request a VMI Meeting

Please fill out this form with your contact information and any details VMI needs for your meeting request.


Take a look at all of our tourism partners in our Online Experience Guide! Click here to request a guide.